The goal of REACH is the safe use of chemicals. ► No leakage was detected by plates submerged in water (aerated 4 weeks, surface area/water volume: 0.48 m2/1 m3). ► The method used to test leaching to seawater from plates coated with anticorrosive paint was easy to perform. ► Measured values for overspray were between values from the REACH guidance, the TGD, and the emission scenario documents. ► The reproducibility of the overspray measurement method was good (relative standard deviation 0.037%). Further development of the methods is recommended.► The method adapted to measure overspray was easy to use in an ordinary spray cabinet. Measured values for the present overspray scenario were between, and the leaching values below, values from REACH guidelines and emission scenario documents. More replicates will be required to validate the reproducibility of the growth inhibition tests. The reproducibility of the application study was shown to be good and all analyses of the leaching showed concentrations below detection limit. The methods used were feasible under laboratory conditions.

The paper also presents results from using the methods in order to assess how well the default values recommended under REACH coincide with the tested values and corresponding values available in literature. This paper presents methods to determine exposure from the airless spray application of anti-corrosive paint and leaching of painted articles submerged in seawater, to establish whether it is possible to test these exposures in a reproducible and feasible way. Ease of use and simplicity makes Jotamastic the applicators’ preferred brand.The European Community Regulation on the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals (REACH) introduced exposure scenarios describing safe use quantitatively, and enhancing the importance of scientific based exposure assessments. The expanded Jotamastic range further enhances the opportunities to achieve even better economy and standards of corrosion protection.