Farseer Macha, however, does not trust Kyre at all, and secretly begins to build an insurgency with the aid of Ronahn and the Howling Banshee Phoenix Lord Jain Zar. In a trance, she prophecized that the Spear of Khaine would call forth the Wayfarers and would be united by the Storm Prince, Convinced that he is the Storm Prince destined to unite the fractured and nomadic Eldar, the power-hungry Autarch keeps her prisoner as a way to swell his own ranks of his Swordwind army. While in his custody, Taldeer unwittingly told Kyre of the prophecy surrounding the Spear of Khaine. He seized the Spirit Stone of Farseer Taldeer ( Dark Crusade) from her twin brother, the Eldar Ranger Ronahn when he was trying to transport it to her Craftworld of Ulthwe. Kyre is obsessed with the Spear of Khaine, said to be able to kill enemies with a single blow. Kyre is using Cyprus Ultima as a staging ground to travel to the planet Acheron when it emerges from the alternate dimension of the Warp. Gitstompa uses the looted parts to build an enormous cannon capable of defeating the Eldar.Īutarch Kyre, the leader of the Biel-Tan warhost on Cyprus Ultima, summons Farseer Macha to aid him against the Orks on Cyprus Ultima. The Blood Ravens under Chapter Master Gabriel Angelos run the blockade to help Lady Solaria, but not before Varlock Keep is looted by Gitstompa's lieutenant (at the time) Gorgutz. For reasons unknown, the Imperial Inquisitor Holt has ordered the Imperial Navy to blockade the planet and denies Lady Solaria's Imperial Knight House Varlock any reinforcements planetside.

The campaign begins on the Imperial Knight world of Cyprus Ultima, which is under siege from a massive Ork horde led by Warboss Gitstompa.